Diana Sab
(22 January 1997)
Professional Astrologer / Karmic & Evolutionary
Shamanic Practitioner
Human Design Student
Jungian Psychoanalysis Student
Wisdom Keeper, Witch, Mystic, Oracle,
or whatever title humans use to describe a woman who swims in
the dark waters of the hidden realms and brings back wisdom and medicine.

I never saw life the way I was taught to. I was always peeking beyond the veil to see what's going on there - to feel the energy, to connect to the unseen patterns. As a toddler, I annoyed my parents every night with questions about what happens after death. In middle school I used to sit on my desk in lotus before exams, to ground my energy. I did little rituals to align with the reality I want to experience. I talked to trees and flowers more than with people. I even summoned spirits thinking they will be more fun to chat with. It always felt like I'm some kind of alien who came here to understand how this human life works and to see if I can crack the code from within.
In high-school I skipped most of my classes because I felt it deep in my bones: I am supposed to learn something else. So every day I studied "spirituality" from authors like Sal Rachele, Dolores Cannon, Drunvalo Melkizedek, Nassim Haramein, alongside the history of spiritual beliefs (Mircea Eliade) and witchcraft, astrology, yoga, and energy healing.
It was in my first year of university (studying Philosophy & Psychoanalysis) that I found an astrology school and made the final decision:
I will start my work by becoming an astrologer.
And here I am.
Fully dedicated to my life path.
Helping thousands of people find theirs.

Voice of the Sacred is the universal guiding force we can connect with, which guided my whole life, and which I learned to fully trust. Voice of the Sacred is also how I see astrology: a symbolic language explaining the energies and patterns our eyes cannot see. So I named my business - my life's work - after it, making it my mission to help others connect with this mystical force we all carry within, our connection to Source.
Astrology is the main tool I am using for now, it is simply way too clear and effective not to want to teach it to the whole world, but I cannot limit myself to the title of "astrologer".​ I've connected in shamanic journeys with my past lives in which I was a Druid, a Witch, a Priestess, and also lives in which other alien races come into the mix. I am whatever title humans use to describe a woman who swims in the dark waters of the hidden realms and brings back wisdom and medicine. Whatever we call the souls that don't really belong to this world, but do their best to contribute with their love and wisdom. There's a fine line between a mystic and a madman, and I am fully walking it as my life purpose. I don't have anywhere else to go (sorry mom).
But what's the most beautiful thing here is that I get to contribute to the transformation of so many souls, I get to witness the moment they start to re-write the codes of their reality. This planet is changing. People are waking up. And the guides will appear everywhere. It is an honor (and a challenge) to be one of them.

What was hidden in my chart:
Aquarius Sun, Cancer Moon, Gemini Rising
Stellium in the 9th + 8th house
Sun - Jupiter - Uranus
I'm here to bring wisdom, depth, alchemy, empowerment and purpose.
My soul belongs in temples, dancing in rituals, creating and destroying threads that can change destiny. I'm half of this world, half of another world, learning to fully enter this human body so I can truly manifest in the physical realms the visions I have.
Every soul I touch, I do it gently, but with a firm desire to bring transformation. I'm here to hold your hand while the threads of your fate are changing.

My complete Rave Chart

The penetrating voice of the collective unconscious has taught me more than any professor did, but as for my official education:
- I started to seriously study astrology in 2013, and after 5-6 years of being self-taught I joined The Astrological Research and Applications Center Helios (in Romania) where I formed my traditional foundation (I studied natal chart analysis, predictive, synastry, horary, elective, medical and karmic astrology) I got certified as a practicing astrologer, but after that I went my own way.
- I have a BA degree in Philosophy with a dissertation on jungian psychoanalysis ("The role of Numinous experiences in the individuation process") + I've studied hinduism & buddhism during my MA (but did not complete it due to a disappointment in the academical world).
- Human Design found me in 2019. I've enrolled in the International Human Design School (currently finished Living Your Design + Rave ABC, more courses will come).
- I've been initiated in prananadi in 2017 (a Tibetan healing technique that studies the chakras and the energy system of the 7 energy bodies).
- I've been officially initiated in shamanism in 2023, but I've been playing with shamanic practices since I was a little girl. Thankfully now I have proper techniques and protection rituals.

In this life I have stepped into the role of the guide, the teacher, the oracle
and these are the ways in which I help others:
- reading their birth chart to unlock their sense of life direction
- reading their Human Design chart to awaken their body intuition
- guiding them through shamanic journeys to heal, unblock, align, attract
- teaching the secrets of astrology inside my Membership
- training astrologers privately

do you feel called to work with me?
If you want to learn the type of astrology that I practice, the easiest way is through my Membership.​
If you're fully committed to the path of the astrologer and feel that I am your teacher, you can apply for 1:1 Mentorship, where I personally teach and guide you for an extended period of time.
If you want me to read your chart / guide you through the energies of your soul blueprint, you can book a call with me. Here you can find all my 1:1 Sessions.