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Voice of the Sacred

lets translate the sacred language of the stars

Hello students of the stars!

I'm sharing with you this 1:1 Guidance call in which I've been asked questions about:

✨ South Node in Scorpio (4th house) and North Node in Taurus (10th house) - how to step into your greatest lesson

✨ how to grow an isolated Venus (no aspects to other planets) (21:24)

✨ transit tracking over specific houses (10th house and 7th house - identifying the time frames of changes/transformations) (24:08)

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May this knowledge bring you home,

to your spirit and to your inner wisdom.

- Diana

P.S. Don't forget that all the content from this website is under copyright (and a couple of protection spells) and it is forbidden to share it. Thank you! 🤍

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