This reading is for those who want to remember the history of their connection, and what they have in plan for the future.
(for romantic relationships, friendships, parent-child)
60 minutes live call | 333€
We rarely meet "new" souls. Most of our relationships have a history behind, past incarnations lived together, in which patterns were created, promises were made, alongside with hopes for the future.
By analysing the synastry and the composite chart of the two of you I will be able to guide you through:
🌹 the history you share together, what happened in the past, what kind of relationship you had & how it can affect your current connection,
🌹 why you chose to meet again in this life, what was left unfinished, and why you considered that by meeting again you can contribute to each others' soul evolution,
🌹 what karmic patterns still exist between you, how you trigger each other, and how you can work with them in order to create a harmonious connection,
🌹 what is the mission of your connection, and what each of you can do in order to contribute to that vision,
🌹 for parents: your child chose you for a reason, and with these tools you have the opportunity to learn about your child's karma in order to help them heal it, as well as their dharma in order to help them activate it.

Note: For relationships & friendships, it is preferred for both of you to be present during the reading. For parent-child readings, the conversation should not be shared with the children in order to not interfere with their development.
I am offering a Sliding Scale for those who are not able to pay the full price 🤍
You can use the code SLIDINGSCLAE1 for 22% off ( = 260€)
or SLIDINGSCALE2 for 33% off (= 223€)

"Diana, what you are doing is absolutely beyond any expectation. You aren't just reading the chart as a normal astrologer would, you see directly into the human soul and use these symbols to decode what's going on inside us. Your words touched something very very deep within me, as if my mind could not comprehend what's going on, but that something from within started to transform and activate as you were speaking. I do not know what magic you did to me, but thank you so much. I can already feel how my inner world is more at ease and somehow clear, ordered. It's going to be more and more easy for me to be my true self and keep going on that path. I'm incredibly grateful that I've found you and that I've trusted my intuition to book a call with you, and you can expect me to come back quite often." - SOPHIE
"You gave me a wake up call that I truly needed yesterday. You essentially confirmed what I already knew but resisted to accept for myself. The way you talked to me hit differently compared to anyone that has ever given me life advice before. It was an incredible experience talking to you and I'm so glad I came across your story when you posted about booking readings. Something in my gut just told me I had to take that opportunity to get a reading from you and I'm so happy I went for it. Thank you for inspiring me and for the invaluable information that you have given me. I am so grateful you do the kind of work that you do. I am also grateful I got to meet and talk to you." - CELINA
"I've just finished taking notes on our call and wow it was so helpful with me seeing the path I am on and in propelling me towards my purpose. I very much enjoyed our call, and I appreciate your patience with me. One hour goes so fast (for me anyway haha) and I could've talked all day to you picking your brain going back and forth between different ideas. I have a renewed sense of direction, you've opened my eyes to human design and that's lead me new forms of understanding myself and healing myself. I also would like to compliment you on your ability to understand complicated concepts and communicate them in such an eloquent and easy to digest manner. It was a pleasure." - DARREN
„Diana. Thank you so so much again for the wisdom. You left me in awe. The whole day I was wanting to share the emotions and stories we've been talking about. All the heaviness, and intenseness of emotions I've been experiencing start to make sense now. And even the fact that i didn't know/or allow myself simple joy and pleasure... I'm grateful your soul crossed my path. I can't thank you enough. You are magic." - AYLIN