The art of
Divine Timing
The stars never tell me What to do.
But they do tell me When to do something.
Everything that exists in this universe goes through cycles, including us, whether we see them and their effects or not.
We can clearly see the cycles in nature, in how the weather changes, in how the plants and the animals react, in how the tides move based on the Moon phases, but we don't have the same clarity when we study our own cycles or the collective cycles.

This happens because it is not just our physical vessels that go through cycles, it also our spirit, and we have no way of directly seeing the changes that happen in our spirit. We can sense the subtle energetical cycles through our intuition, or we can use tools to calculate them.
This is why astrology exists: to show us a map of our soul cycles, of the phases we need to go through, so we aren't lost and confused.
Every time we give birth to something (a project, a group event, a ritual, a social media page), we infuse it with the energies present around us, which marks the character of it.
Every time we step into something (a journey, a job, a contract, a collaboration, a partnership), the energies present at the beginning will color our entire experience.

One of the most useful aspects of astrology is planning important moments based on our personal cycles + based on the collective cycles. Knowing the right timing can drastically change the outcome. It summons the best case scenario.
I believe that knowing the potency of the time is one of the best practical tools astrology gave us, and I hope I'm going to make your life easier by teaching you how to use it 🕯️
How would your life look like if you'd be aware of the fabric of time?
if you'd be able to Choose the background energy for your creations?

The art of Divine Timing
will help you with:
🕯️ Clearly seeing & tracking the unique seasons of your soul;
🕯️ Reading and predicting the changes happening in the collective;
🕯️ Being able to see the potency of each moment in time;
🕯️ Masterfully choosing when to step into the fabric of time, knowing exactly what fate it will bring;
🕯️ Seeing the manifestation portals that open on earth, and wisely stepping into them;
🕯️ Creating a life of ease and surrender, knowing that you have the cosmic forces on your side.
"The course is absolutely delightful. It's packed with an incredible amount of knowledge and detail, and your way of explaining is very easy to understand, even for a complete beginner. The most exciting part was calculating and drawing on the chart. I didn't expect astrology to be this much fun and surprisingly practical. I always thought it was only for those in tune with the higher realms, but it's quite accessible even for someone who is more grounded and practical like me. Thank you for an ethereal experience."
- Lina
"This is by far one of the best astrological courses I took. Very insightful and practical, I loved every second of it. Diana, you're such a great teacher. You gave us so many informations, you explained it very well and all the features that we got (workbooks, graphics, calendars, examples) are incredibly useful.
Thank you so much for sharing this knowledge with us."
- Ana M.

What you will learn
The Art of Divine Timing is based on Electional Astrology which focuses on the condition of the Transit Moon as the main indicator of the energetical background present in a day.
For a complete view of the potency of time, we will study:
☀️ Sun's journey through the signs (the Zodiac Seasons)
=> choosing the right month
🌙 Moon's journey through the signs & through her lunar phases:
=> choosing the right day
🌅 The sign of the Ascendant / Rising & the chart ruler
=> choosing the right hour & minute
Because the nature of this knowledge touches advanced topics,
I've designed two versions of this course:
✨ a "mini" version of the course for beginners, which will look at the core elements of the first 2 parts: the cycle of the Sun and the Moon. You do not need to know a lot of astrology to join the Basic version, everything will be explained to you, but it would be great to have a basic knowledge of the meaning of the signs & houses.
You can check my free guide for beginners here.
🔷 the full version of the course, going through all the details. This course was mainly designed for those who study inside the Astral Initiation Membership, for we've covered all the necessary lessons, such as: the essence of the planets, dignities & debilities (karmic imprints), aspects; but the course is open for anyone who feels comfortable with this level of detail!

Divine Timing
- Basic -
Lesson 1 - The Solar Cycle
✨ Video 1 (21:09): How the Zodiac Seasons influence us
✨ Video 2 (39:41): The 12 Zodiac Seasons explained
✨ Video 3 (24:32): Sign - House connections - what does each Season mean for you individually
✨ Video 4 (58:54): How to calculate which Zodiac Season is the best for your intentions
+ workbook
Lesson 2 - The Lunar Cycle
✨ Video 1 (41:45): The Lunar cycle & the Moon phases
✨ Video 2 (38:04): Moon through the Signs explained
✨ Video 3 (8:48): The Void Moon / what moments to avoid
✨ Video 4 (31:12): Practice, examples
+ moon calendars, workbook
+ Recorded Q&A based on your questions
Divine Timing Basic

Divine Timing
- Advanced -
Lesson 1 - The Solar Cycle
✨ Video 1 (21:09): How the Zodiac Seasons influence us
✨ Video 2 (39:41): The 12 Zodiac Seasons explained
✨ Video 3 (24:32): Sign - House connections - what does each Season mean for you individually
✨ Video 4 (58:54): How to calculate which Zodiac Season is the best for your intentions
🔹 Video 5 (44:49): The influence of other planets in transit
+ workbook
Lesson 2 - The Lunar Cycle
✨ Video 1 (41:45): The Lunar cycle & the Moon phases
✨ Video 2 (38:04): Moon through the Signs explained
✨ Video 3 (8:48): The Void Moon / what moments to avoid
✨ Video 4 (31:12): Practice, examples
🔹 Video 5 (38:42): The Lunar Aspects, how the lunar connections predict the outcome of our actions
+ moon calendars, workbook
Lesson 3 - The Ascendant
🔹 Video 1 (27:48): Electing a Chart - Theory: how to calculate the most powerful moment in a day
🔹 Video 2 (13:21): Electing a Chart - Practice, examples
🔹 Video 3 (09:51): Loopholes in the Retrogrades: how to find a time where the Rx does not affect us
🔹 Video 4 (07:55): The chart of Voice of the Sacred: how I chose the day & time to start my business
+ Recorded 2 x Q&A based on your questions
Divine Timing Advanced
Hi Diana, I've truly enjoyed the course. I can't believe I've started to understand aspects—something that always seemed mysterious to me. Your explanations were clear, and all my uncertainties disappeared. The course is genuinely fun, and I particularly appreciate the exercises. As someone who enjoys math but feels inept in the "woowoo" department, I feel like I'm being spoon-fed higher knowledge in a tangible and earthy way. Additionally, you have a very sweet and soothing voice; listening to your lessons was a wonderful experience. Thank you for emphasizing that astrology is a tool for helping in making significant decisions and not a substitute for our will to live. This is one of the most empowering pieces of advice for anyone on a journey of self-discovery.

"I LOVE THE COURSE and the membership in general! I'm in love with the way you share this information, your vision with everything has fascinated me, you have a gift. You also have a very precious vibe, it's been really nice listening to you haha, I feel like I'm listening to a friend teaching me about astrology (which has made the experience even nicer). It's been through astrology that I've managed to begin to heal my relationship with art and therefore with my self. This course and membership has helped me a lot with it and I will be forever thankful! "

About me & my experience
Hello, I am Diana, a 27 years old professional astrologer, half academic, half mystic.
I've been studying astrology for more than a decade now, and I've been a certified astrologer for the past 5 years, which is also the approx amount of time I've been using the time techniques.
I've been using them for the most important decisions/creations of my life, and I'm forever grateful to the stars for allowing me to know this.
My life is lucky. Stupidly lucky. Everything turns out best case scenario, even when I don't see how that could be possible. And most importantly, everything comes with ease. Even when I sign contracts that aren't really what I need, I dance out of them without problems. Every business move I make is effortlessly successful.
I know that timing isn't everything, but I also know the power of doing the right thing at the right time. I believe that knowing the potency of the time is one of the best practical tools astrology gave us, and I hope I'm going to make your life easier by teaching you how to use it 💙